The Goal Foundation is the 1st tool
The most important factor to branding is consistency. You can build brand consistency through communication and design. The main component is setting goals each month that will help support the growth and promotion of your business.
Brand Identity tells your audience who you are. You can gain interest and loyalty by intentional connection with the right audience. Use your custom Cre8tive Vibes logo and brand specific one-liner and icon image to support in communication.
Identify the top 3 goals for the month. These goals should consist of a call to action and request a responsive reaction from your future clients or customers. Create measurable goals that you can track and adjust weekly.
Creating your Content Blueprint is 2nd
Prepare a Content Blueprint for the month. List 1-20 topics/ideas that support reaching the monthly business goals. These 20 topics will be the inspiration for the Brand Marketing Outline for the month. Maintain consistency and write goal inspired content by breaking down to communicate and/how you want to attract business/sell product/drive traffic/boost sales etc.
Create Brand Specific Content.
1st - Start with relatable topics that provide ANSWERS to the questions your audience has. You want to be the SOLUTION this your opportunity to tell them what you know and why they will want to know more. Short sweet and to the point.(Ex.-Struggling to change your Habits? Getting organized is easy!)
2nd - Write corresponding content to post with your marketing. This can be 3 paragraphs or 1 sentence. This is what the reader see if they make it past the key message and eye-catching image.
3rd - Choose a supporting image that works with your Key Message. Will it grab the attention that you want? Save images to the folder.
Create professional Marketing Designs to support your Brand is 3rd
Use the Design Template to create your custom Brand promotion and marketing campaign. The Design Template makes it easy to create individual marketing designs to support your message and reach your goals for the month.