So What's YOUR big idea?
Step One - Epiphany
So it all started when I quit my corporate retail position 5 years ago. I woke up in a sweat around 4am, grabbed my notepad and pen and began to write. That morning I had about 5 pages of scribble that made absolutely zero sense to me.
Have you ever had that recurring dream?
Or a small soft voice that continues to speak to you day after day?
This my friends is an EPIPHANY. You can do one of two things with this. You can lie in bed daydreaming about making it happen OR you can jump out of bed every day and live life on purpose!
So. What's your EPIPHANY? Are you ready to stand out?
Step one starts today! Successful businesses only start if you do.
Don't be afraid of your vision.
⏺Go Be Great ⏺