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[ CEO Spotlight - Dachell Davis ]

I was so excited when the first time we jumped on our Cre8tive Chat. It was like running into an old classmate I had not seen in years. We laughed and shared our current space in this journey called life only to realize we really had MORE in common than we knew. Keep in mind we have never met before.

Isn't it funny how things just fall into place? When you listen to your heart and allow your purpose to guide you, people who need your expertise and service will find you.
This is why I love what I do!

It's is my great pleasure to share this week's CEO Spotlight. Dachell Davis, a new author who is positioning herself to inspire, motivate, encourage and lead others to trust in GOD. Her journey may be similar to yours or it may be slightly different. However, if you have been trusting God's word and faithfully seeking Him no matter what your life journey is Dachell can serve as this week's inspiration.

Dachell is the mother of two adult children and six grandchildren. One of her projects that are coming this year is a children's book that is created about her sweet granddaughter. As the founder of Double Chocolate Press and author of a brand new series of devotional journals, Dachell's ultimate desire is to help provide healing and strength to others by sharing the word of God!

Take a look at how she is growing into her role as an author and small business owner.

Meet Dachell Davis - Cre8tive Vibes CEO of the Week

What made you start your business or become an entrepreneur?

I actually have ALWAYS wanted to have my own business! When I was a bit younger I had a whole plan for me and my sisters to have a business together! If I could have it my way that would still happen. Lol! As a creative, I have always felt like I needed more than what a nine to five could offer to keep me inspired.

Being the CEO of my life and My Business means...

I can live life on my creative terms. When I wake in the morning I want to have a schedule of my design. My days and hours can be filled with what has meaning to me and fulfills my God-Given purpose! He did not bless me with the many gifts that I have to be locked in a "job".

Yes, I appreciate the work that my hands and heart have been given to do and the financial stability it has offered me and my family, but it's past time for me to do ME.

This year I would like to achieve the goal of LISTENING TO GOD!

He put me on the path to tell my story several years ago and I have been using MY OWN interpretation of what that meant. So the goal of publishing my first book is the beginning of me being obedient to His voice! Maybe even more than one😉 , In addition, I would like to begin inspirational coaching as well. Overall this year has been amazingly productive so far, more than I could have imagined! And I am ready to see what else is in store!

This Month we created a simple website that will allow room for Dachell to grow her business, write more books, and continue to listen to God's word. Next in line is completed the BYOB (Be Your Own Brand) Online Training Course that will help provide clarity around her vision to offer inspirational coaching and continue to write more books. It's so much fun to help support, empower and motivate other female entrepreneurs and watch them live in their greatness! This is just the beginning of our working relationship and the start of a great friendship.


Hey, aspiring entrepreneurs! Turn your dreams of entrepreneurship into a lifestyle. Tap in for weekly brand development hacks that you can implement now to win!

Please help me celebrate this fabulous Cre8tive Dachell Davis.

Then take a moment to visit her new website and be sure to connect with her on Instagram!



Procrastination ends when you take control of your thoughts and mind. Are you ready to create the outline for your vision? Manifesting your dreams is the act of speaking and writing your BIG IDEA to life. I’ve created a 7 step formula to help you do just that. It’s time to start living life on purpose

Are you next in line to CEO? C.E.O Cre8ting Extraordinay Opportunities! I'm Happy to Help!


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