BYOB: Step 1- What the heck is a BRAND!
Ok, if you are reading this then you may be thinking, "What the heck is a BRAND! People keep saying it and I don't even know what that means?"
I'm glad you asked. Let's ask google.
"Hey Google! What does the word Brand mean?"
Google says,
"A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed."
Now that that is clear, we can move on, OH! It's not clear? Trust me, it didn't quite sink in with me the first time I read it either. So here's my version. You are your brand. Your brand is you. Whatever your grand epiphany is, is what your Brand is. It's completely up to you. If you are thinking about diving into entrepreneurship then you and your service or products become the brand. Make sense?
It took me sometime to narrow things down and find my voice. Most importantly I had to determine who would be actually listening to my voice. It's funny. We tend to get excited about our epiphany and how amazing this idea is going to be, until someone asks you what your brand identity is.
Now trying to determine the Identity of your Brand is where people struggle the most. Here are 3 tips to help narrow things done while trying to create the best identity for your brand.
Understand your why?
Why are you doing this?
What problem do you solve?
You want to become the solution for your clients/customers.
How does providing your service/products make you feel?
You should be proud of your brand and become completely obsessed with it.
At Cre8tive Vibes we work with future entrepreneurs each day. It's easy to say you want to launch a business, and it's even easier to give up midway. The BYOB online course is designed to help you bring your vision to life and create a plan to make it work.
Brand Identity is Step One of the process. The BYOB Online Course includes the 7 Step Formula. This workshop is designed to prepare you for launching your personal Brand as an entrepreneur or Small business. In this session we will take a deeper dive into organizing your vision for your company. If you would like more information or are ready to attend the next online course we would love to hear about your epiphany.
Check out Cre8tive Vibes BYOB Online Course.
Or join the Master Planning Session and start getting your Mind prepared for entrepreneurship.