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[ CEO SPOTLIGHT - Melody L. Fletcher ]

Let's talk about your gift, your talent, your expertise. What is that thing that you are really good at? Some of us find purpose seeking an overwhelming task. On the flip side, there are people who are born with natural talent and can't help but to share their gift no matter how hard they try to fight it. This past month I've had the pleasure to work on another rebranding project. I love it when new projects land in my lap and my client has had that "a-ha" moment and they are ready to make a change to their business focus.

Time to reintroduce you to my client the strategic thinking Project Manager AND professional Soprano Opera singer, who I also have the privilege to call my cousin. Melody L. Fletcher.

Over the past few weeks, Melody and I have shifted the focus of her website from a consultant for hire to a full-blown musician page. Her rebranded website now allows her a place where she can showcase her gift as a soprano opera singer and position herself for new opportunities. You are in for a treat! Check out Melody's performance.

Please help me celebrate my client and extremely talented cousin this week in the Cre8tive Vibes entrepreneur CEO - Spotlight of the week. Introducing, Melody L. Fletcher - Soprano Opera Singer.

As a part of my CEO celebration, I like to ask my clients to share a bit of insight into their journey towards entrepreneurship. To be the CEO of your business and life requires dedication and strength. Check out what Melody has to say about her journey so far.

What made you start your business or become an entrepreneur?

I knew that I wanted to be a singer at a very young age. I discovered I wanted to be an Opera Singer specifically when I watched an Opera with my grandmother on PBS and saw this beautiful woman who looked like me singing LOUDLY. I was a very "loud" child, you see. So, when I saw this woman singing loudly and not getting in trouble for it, I made the declaration then and there that singing Opera was what I wanted to do as well!

What BIG GOALS do you want to achieve this year? What do you need to make that happen?

My BIG GOALS for this year and beyond, is to continue to hone my craft as a singer and land some contracts within the industry. I want to continue to build on my brand to showcase my true authentic self and sing across not only the United States but also internationally. My goal is to land contracts for roles, concerts, recitals, and also win a few competitions. As my teacher Elisabeth Stevens of Studio Lis fame teaches through her guiding principles, "I am a gift and so is my voice", it's time for me to walk in this vulnerability and formerly introduce myself. Hello world, Melody L. Fletcher is here!

Being the CEO of my life & My Business Means...

Being the CEO of my life & My Business Means to be in integrity at all times. Living in integrity equates to saying "x" and doing "x". It means to always lead with my true self and vulnerability through joy and humor. It also means setting clear boundaries and being purposeful when executing goals and dreams. I do not desire to be perfect as perfectionism is unattainable and wrapped in scarcity. I desire to be in EXCELLENCE at all times because it allows me to live an open, joyful, abundant, and POSSIBLE life. There's freedom in possibility and that's the space I choose to always be in.

Never stop dreaming and striving to achieve greatness, my friends! All you have to do is BELIEVE!

Are you next in line to CEO? C.E.O Cre8ting Extraordinay Opportunities!

Take a look at the recently rebranded website and support Melody L. Fletcher.

Follow and connect with her on all Social Media platforms.





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