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Make Room for Your Vision to Grow

The thoughts I had for my business used to be so scary. Like so bigger than life scary. I've always seen a facility where people without the resources to build their business could come to work. I cr3e8ted the PowerPoint presentation with photos and wrote out a full list of employees I needed, designed the floorplan, and everything. It became so real and so overwhelming undoable at the same time.

I let my vision for my business literally scare me to death. So I began to lower my expectations and dumb it down because there's no way that I could achieve all of that. It became impossible to see that things that I know I'm capable of doing truly be a reality. This was my biggest mistake. Did you know your vision is often more clear in your head than you realize it is? The second reality check is simple too. You may not realize this, but it's up to you to bring your BIG IDEA out of your mind and into the world. To do this, you have to have the capability to see the big scary picture and break that down into bite-size pieces so that you can get to that mission. So if I could go back and change anything I would be afraid of that big Vision but I wouldn't be afraid to take action and stay the course to see the vision come to life.

The hardest part of starting your business and allowing your vision to grow is having the ability to not become consumed and overwhelmed by the work that has to be done. One of the toughest obstacles that most of my clients have to admit to is they are standing in their own way. The hardest thing to admit but once they do that, it becomes clear that the results that they want are truly in their hands. You have to have the guts to take a stand and be willing to commit to doing the work that is required to get the results that they want. Most of the time it is due to lack of resources, poor time management skills, and the fear of asking for help and admitting that they don't know what they're doing. If you can't say amen just say ouch!

The truth is I'd rather you ask for help than to keep making the same mistakes over and over again and wonder why things aren't working or listen to you point blame on everything else. It's time to jump in those Big Girl or Big Boy drawers and accept the fact that you are afraid to admit that you need help. It's ok to not know how to do something you've never done before. So don't go crazy and stop allowing your ego to stand in between you and your vision becoming a reality. Allow your vision to grow by getting the help that you need and elevating your mind and your business to achieve your heart's desires.

I've got five ways that you can concentrate each day in order to make room for your vision to grow.

Number one - See the big picture. Being able to visualize all the things that you want for your business is a key motivator. It may be the craziest biggest idea but right every aspect of that vision and that dream down. Because it will give you all of the clues that you need in order to make your way towards seeing that Vision come to life.

Number two - Break down each of the steps. When you see the big Vision you have to understand physically and mentally how you're going to get there. And then come up with a plan. When you break down the steps it takes you can see what is required of you so that you can work out every route and plan for any setbacks.

Number three - Set realistic goals. Your life is busy and you have ten thousand things going on on top of your big idea. So be realistic. Disappointment and overwhelmed, from not keeping your eye on what actually doable and creating more work and stress for yourself by overextending yourself.

Number four. create an action plan. Creating an action plan means actually physically grabbing your calendar and putting tasks on the calendar. When you put tasks on your calendar these are things that you must do that day in order to stay on target for cheating your goals.

Number 5 - Do the work. It's all up to you. If you wake up and you don't do what's on your calendar then your dream is that further from coming true. If you make room for your vision to grow in your everyday life you will soon find yourself walking in the reality that is your vision.

I have to admit that my vision used to scare me so I would make it seem less big than it actually is and that is why I'm playing catch-up today. So here's a couple of ways that you can bounce back when you make a mistake in four simple steps.

Step 1 - admit you were wrong and forgive yourself. You are allowed to make mistakes.

Step 2 - analyze your results and set goals to achieve new results. Then start over.

Step 3 - invest in your personal growth and make change a priority

Step 4 - don't dwell in Shoulda Coulda Woulda land. Just keep going.

Letting go of those limiting beliefs about your business can be scary. And yes, you may look like a fool. I choose to be that friend who took the risk of looking like a fool. But the reality of it was my family and friends didn't think I was a complete fool, most of them told me that they thought I was brave and courageous. You personally have my permission to be foolish for taking a risk and failing. But I want to remind you that the risk you take does not make you look foolish, it's the emotional connection that comes with the uncertainty of doing something new. It may feel uncomfortable but it is more so about learning and overcoming all of the mistakes that you will make along the way that will need to be corrected.

By correcting these mistakes and trying again and continuing to shift and pivot throughout the process will allow your vision to evolve as well. Once you're able to master expansion for your vision you will start to see things happening before your eyes as you start to put processes in place to seek positive results.

If you are ready for more, check out this week's training Podcast. Make Room for your Vision by Building it One Step at a Time. I'm trying something a bit new this week, I want you to be completely involved in each episode of my podcast. So find a quiet space, grab your notebook and pen and let's do the work! #together


If you are looking for Website Design and Brand development assistance. I'm your coach! I have a simple website Package with one on one strategy session mixed in! Let me know if you are ready to say YES to that BIG Scary thing and launch your business Cre8tively!

Join me each week for a new episode and a new perspective. Learn how to SHIFT those old thought processes and prepare for the PIVOT to create a major change for your future.

Entrepreneurship is more than a journey, it's a lifestyle. It's time to stop making excuses and BE THE CEO of YOUR LIFE!


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